Our Mission

our mission

To Server Our Protectors

Veteran Search and Rescue (VSAR) was formed to provide a bridge between Veterans of the US Military and local Community Support Activities (CSA) through Search and Rescue, Crisis Response Activities, mentorship programs, and other Quality of Life initiatives. We serve those who have served by finding the right people and activities to help them continue to grow as individuals, and we benefit as a society by leveraging their talents. The goal is not exclusivity, but to include non-Veterans within the community, to partner in helping Veterans reintegrate with those who share the same values of: Selfless Service, sense of duty, and character. Veterans who find purpose after service are more likely to find success, and less likely to abuse drugs and alcohol, or even ultimately take their own life. At VSAR, we will help Veterans find purpose, we will motivate them to achieve, and we will provide them with direction. Veterans are an invaluable resource to a community when called to serve, given a mission, and held to the highest standard. By doing this, we serve the community by serving our Veterans.


VSAR Sample Videos Section

See a sampling of the types of our work and other highlights